Modeling and Experimental Verification of Common Mode Crosstalk with Shield Cables in Power Converter System
更新:2021-08-16 16:28:48
With the development of wide bandgap semiconductor technology, the switching speed of power electronic devices such as SiC and GaN is increasing, which causes complex electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems. Due to the limited space in trains and ships, the cables connecting each equipment are closely arranged, so there are serious crosstalk issues between cables. Shielded cables are widely used to suppress crosstalk. However, the crosstalk still exists due to the non-ideal characteristics of shielded cables. In order to study the common-mode (CM) crosstalk between shielded cables, a multi-port network model is proposed. Firstly, the mechanism of CM crosstalk is analyzed. Then the CM flow path between shielded cables is modeled by using the coupling parameters between shielded cables. Then, the equivalent circuit model is established based on the CM flow path, and the crosstalk current is deduced by combining the circuit theory and boundary conditions. Finally, a test bench was set up for investigation, which proved that the proposed method can be used to accurately predict the CM crosstalk of shielded cables.
Common-mode crosstalk;shielded cables;multiple network model;coupling;flow path
Ruizhou Xue
Huazhong University of Science and Technology